Postgraduate Musings

Friday, October 28, 2005


Tonight was our second attempt at a house party, this time in honour of Hallowe'en.
Tonight was our second failed attempt at a house party, this time in honour of Hallowe'en.

Ed - "Isn't our house party tonight?"
Char - "Yeah, you invited anyone?"
Ed - "No. You?"
Char - "Not really."

So that was the end of that party. Namely because of the lack of guests.


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would this be the ed that visited me and rey in newcastle, twice. the said ed that didnt come up the weekend just gone, the really mean and nast ed that left bon all on his own. shame on you. hows the hamster?

hellooooo (said in an odd voice and a strange way)

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Ed said...

Yes, me! Mean me. Nasty me.
Hamster fine, although very dead.


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