Postgraduate Musings

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I've just realised that my camera is gone as well!

Friday, November 25, 2005

"Ed, you twat"

So, yesterday I had my iPod, my new debit card, and my phone stolen - among other random bits and bobs. I still suspect my landlord (and now also "Housemate #3"), but as the fuzz said - "Can't do anything about it, mate".

Breaking News! Long story, but my new debit card came through the letter box today, without being signed for - I just quizzed Royal Mail, and it turns out that Housemate #3 signed for it yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen - we have a new Prime Suspect.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I am very suspicious of my landlord.

I'm just saying this now, so I can refer back to it when something terrible happens - at which point I can look at myself in the mirror and say "I told you Ed, you twat".

Friday, November 18, 2005


Its been one of those good/bad weeks - toilet was out of use for 3 days, freezer packed in, all the utilities bills came through, took a step back in my teacher training, and lost my identity by misplacing my wallet. Oh, wait, thats a bad/bad week.

Roll on the week commencing 21st November 2005.

Update: Have no money due to wallet incident, but I've just managed to scrape together £1.90 for a pack of Rizlas and a bottle of Sainsburys Basics Cider. May the festivities begin!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Had our house party last night, and it was a roaring success! There was a good turnout, and fun was had by all - mission accomplished.

The highlight for me was Gavin Buckaroo - wait until someone passes out, and see how much stuff you can put on them until they move and it all collapses. Humourous.

Now all thats left is too clean up. Theres always a downside.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Friday night again...

Friday night is here again, and yes, you've guessed it... its piss-up time.

Except this time theres a reason - Its Char's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Char, and as her brother mentioned:

"Happy Birthday sis, and remember, you're now one year closer to death!"

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Its so hard to motivate yourself when you've got too much to do. Its also hard to motivate yourself when you've got very little to do, so in order to do anything, you need a resonable amount of things to do - say 5 in any one day.

Today I have about 12 things to do, and therfore my motivation is extremely low - which is exacerbated by my god-awful hangover that I stupidly gave myself through drinking vodka and some cheap, green alternate to Red Bull. Bastard special offers.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


The most common question I'm asked by kids at school of recent days, not science or education based, but -

"Mr Saddle?"
"Its Mr Sadler, but what?"
"Do you fancy Miss Emery?"
"Erm... get on with your work."

Everyday, at least twice a day. It jarrs.