Postgraduate Musings

Friday, November 25, 2005

"Ed, you twat"

So, yesterday I had my iPod, my new debit card, and my phone stolen - among other random bits and bobs. I still suspect my landlord (and now also "Housemate #3"), but as the fuzz said - "Can't do anything about it, mate".

Breaking News! Long story, but my new debit card came through the letter box today, without being signed for - I just quizzed Royal Mail, and it turns out that Housemate #3 signed for it yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen - we have a new Prime Suspect.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Bon said...

That really really sucks mate. Now everyone should keep an eye out on eBay for an iPod with "Yoda Loves Me" engraved on the back, then you have your thief!

At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn cops!


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