Bloody trick or treaters, I'm running out of Monster Munch!
So, today at 4 o'clock, Char and I will mainly be presenting a radio show named Gadzooks! on Kube Radio. I'm just filling in for Andy who couldn't make it, so expect many technical errors and long, uncomfortable silences...
Tonight was our second attempt at a house party, this time in honour of Hallowe'en.
Tomorrow I'm heading for Hereford to see a friend, then on Thursday we will be mainly having educational fun at TechniQuest, the hands-on science entertainment kind of place. Wish me luck, which will be proved to be unscientific on Thursday.
Char had her first show presenting Gadzooks! today on KUBE Radio and fun was had by all, including their very limited amount of listeners, due to the fact that the website went a bit fubar. Twas a good show thoough, and hopefully more people will be able to listen next week.
Batman Begins fucking rules. On a less social note, Char managed to stain my matress with a dubious white compound during the film. Investigations will ensue.
We have eaten far too much food today, way beyond the realms of normal saturday intake. Some people (Char) would say that we are Biffed as Motherfuckers. But then again some people (Char) are very strange.